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Dabney Coleman Columbo

Dabney Coleman: The Murderous Defense Attorney in Columbo

An Intriguing Case of Double Homicide


In the captivating episode of the classic detective series "Columbo," Lieutenant Columbo investigates a double homicide involving a former rock star and her wealthy defense attorney lover. The episode features the legendary Dabney Coleman in a memorable role.

Dabney Coleman: A Versatile Actor

Dabney Coleman, born January 3, 1932, is an acclaimed American actor known for his versatility. His notable film credits include "9 to 5," "On Golden Pond," and "Tootsie." Coleman has also made his mark in both villainous and sympathetic roles.

Coleman's Role in Columbo

In "Columbo: Death Lends a Hand," Coleman portrays defense attorney Ethan Hayes, a man who masterminds the murder of his mistress, a retired rock star named Kate Hunter. Hayes is a formidable adversary, but Columbo's keen eye and sharp wit ultimately uncover his cunning plan.

A Well-Executed Performance

Coleman's performance as Ethan Hayes is both nuanced and menacing. He captures the character's intelligence, arrogance, and desperation. His chemistry with Peter Falk's Columbo creates a compelling dynamic that drives the story.

The Intriguing Resolution

The episode's resolution is as clever as it is satisfying. Columbo exposes Hayes's alibi by noticing a subtle inconsistency in his story. The way Columbo traps the murderer showcases the detective's legendary attention to detail.

Shera Danese's Supporting Role

Actress Shera Danese provides a strong supporting performance as Kate Hunter. She convincingly portrays the vulnerability and determination of a woman whose life is at stake.

Unique Role Reversal

Interestingly, Dabney Coleman is one of only two actors to play both a police officer and a murderer in the "Columbo" series. This unique role reversal adds an extra layer of intrigue to his performance.


Dabney Coleman's portrayal of Ethan Hayes in "Columbo: Death Lends a Hand" is a testament to his exceptional acting abilities. The episode is a suspenseful and thought-provoking addition to the iconic detective series, showcasing the brilliance of both Coleman and Peter Falk.
